How To Celebrate Rama's Birthday?
"Today people celebrate Rama's birthday as a festival, but do not practise Rama's ideals. Enshrine Rama's ideals in your heart. Without it, there is no meaning in celebrating Rama's birthday. You must follow the example of a noble and ideal person. This is the right meaning of devotion.' Remember that the lessons taught to Bharata by Rama arc ideal lessons. After instructing Bharata regarding the principles of good government. Rama told Bharata:
'You must revere the parents, the preceptors and elders. If any person misbehaves within your kingdom, do not punish him. Banish him. That will be enough punishment." Sai Baba, SS, 5/95. p. 119
"Sage Valmiki composed the Ramayana in hundred crores (a thousand millions) of stanzas. He prayed to the Lord that the stanzas should be divided equally among the denizens of the three worlds. When the stanzas were thus divided and distributed, one stanza of 32 syllables alone remained undistributed. After 30 syllables were equally divided, only two syllables remained undistributed. These two syllables have become the names of the Divine such as Hari, Hara and Sai. These names can be recited by people of any country or faith. They are not confined exclusively to any faith or country." Sai Baba. SS. 4/92, p. 60
The Allegorical Meaning Of The Ramayana Story
"The allegorical meaning of the Ramayana story should be properly understood. Rama stands for 'Yajur Veda', as he was the embodiment ofDharma. Lakshmana esteemed Rama's words as law and followed him. He was always chanting the name of Rama. He represents Rig-Veda. Bharata represents Sama Veda, as he was always singing the glory of Rama. Shatrughana represents Atharva Veda. Thus, four sons of Dasharatha, the emperor ofAyodhya, represent the four Vedas. Dasharatha's capital, Ayodhya symbolizes a place where no enemy can enter. Dashratha symbolizes the five organs of action (Karmendriyas) and five organs of cognition (Jnanendriyas). The three queens of Dashratha- Kaushalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi represent the Satwic, Rajasic and Tamasic Gunas. If the inner significance of the Ramayana is properly understood, it will serve as a manual of ideal living for all mankind." Sai Baba. SS, 1/94, p. 13
Importance of Ramayana In Modern Times
'The Rama story holds forth many ideals. Children today pay little heed to the words of parents. Parents also show no great concern for rearing ideal children. The preceptor does not command respect these days. The teachers show little affection for the students. Hatred and bitterness between people are growing. Today's friend becomes tomorrow's enemy. Kinship itself is robbed of its bonds of affection. Pollution has sullied every sphere of activity - business, education, agriculture, politics, etc. and caused general degradation in society. In every sphere, demeaning ideals and actions are rampant. In such a situation, the Ramayana provides the ideals and examples for reforming society." Sai Baba, SS, 4/96, p. 91
"The Ramayana should not be treated merely as a story of Rama. It has a life-giving message for every human being. People lead artificial lives today. When they understand the Ramayana they will know what is right. Then it has to be practised. There is no meaning in merely repeating the name, 'Rama, Rama, Rama'. The Rama Principle has to be fully understood, and one has to live up to it. This is possible only if there is love. Through love, one realises the Rama Principle and is transformed into an image of Rama. All scholarship and religious observances are of no value without such a mental transformation. The mind should be divinized. Faith in the name of the Lord is the basis for this transformation." Sai Baba. SS. 6/96, p. 148
Universality Of Ramayana
"The truths propounded in the Ramayana are relevant to all mankind. Rama represents the exalted state of me human heart. Rama is the treasure house of compassion. Sai Baba. SS. 4/96. p. 93
"The Ramayana brings home to one and all the significance of truth and righteousness." 'Today truth and righteousness have declined alarmingly. The first task is to produce young men and women who are wedded to truth and righteousness. Only a nation where men and women adhere to these two principles will be prosperous and happy." Sai Baba. SS. 6/96. pp. 141 & 143
"Ramayana should not be considered as a sacred epic for Bharatiyas (Indians) alone. The term 'Rama' means one who delights the heart (Ramayati iti Ramah). Whomsoever you may worship, it is the one Divine who delights the heart. There is only one God and one goal." Sai Baba, SS, 6/94, p. 146
The Author Of Ramayana
"The author of the Ramayana is called 'Praachetas'. How did he acquire this name? Prachetas is the name of the Rain-God Varuna. Ratnakar was the original name of the poet. After he was initiated, he began meditating on the Lord's name and completely lost all consciousness. An anthill grew over his body. His body was not visible from outside. At this stage Varuna caused a heavy downpour. That downpour washed away the anthill, revealing the sage. Because Prachetas (Varuna) was responsible for bringing forth the sage, he got the name 'Praachetas' (the offspring of Prachetas). He also got the appellation 'Vaalmika' because he had come out of'Valmiki', an anthill.
Praachetas became the sacred and immortal composer of the epic Ramayana, which he gave to the world as a perennial source of inspiration tc rp.ankind. Any person today who can get rid from the mind, attachment and possessiveness enveloping him and who constantly meditates on God will become pure and sacred like Vaalmiki." Sai Baba, SS, 4/98, p. 92
"The Kenopanishad has proclaimed this truth beautifully. 'Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavati'. (The knower of the Drahman becomes Brahman himself.) Whatever you aspire for, whatever your yearning that you become yourself. When Vaalmiki wished to write the Ramayana, he first meditated on all the qualities of Rama and then alone he could commence his epic. Because of the constant repetition of the name of Rama and continuous meditation on the Rama Principle, he shone with the effulgence of Rama. It is one of the miracles of Rama that highwayman Ratnakar could become the author of a great epic." Sai Baba, SS, 9/95. p. 227
"How does one get over the Taamasic quality? There is an example of Ratnakar, who was originally highway robber harassing and plundering wayfarers. Absence of compassion and consideration for others is the" mark of Taamasic nature. Such a person was transformed into a great sage by the contact and teaching of the Seven Sages (Vasishta and others). Not only did he become a sage, he became also an immortal poet, the author of the Ramayana, the epic story of the Rama Avatar. The term 'Kavi' (poet) signifies one who has a vision of the past, the present and the future. The so-called poets of today can hardly be called poets in the ancient sense of the term. Vaalmiki and Vyasa, by their penance, transcended the three qualities, experienced the Divine and acquired the capacity to envision the three categories of time - the past, the present and the future -thereby they became immortal poets. The company of the good was responsible for the transformation of a totally Taamasic person like Ratnakar into a totally Satvic sage, Vaalmiki." Sai Baba, SS. 7/96. pp. 182 & 183
Sai's Messages On Rama-Navami
"Today (12 April, 2000) you are celebrating Sri Rama' birthday. No benefit accrues from celebrating the birthdays of noble personalities unless you put their teachings into practice." Sai Baba, SS. 5/2000, p. 157
"On the occasion of Rama-navami, people hail the advent of Rama and recall His various achievements. But, everyone should remember that he is an image of Rama. "Ramayati iti Ramah." One who attracts (others) is Rama. In every person, there is this power of attraction. Because of this magnetic power, man is able to enjoy the world. He develops many worldly desires. But he is never satisfied. He derives satisfaction from discontent. That is sign of the divine power of attraction. There is no limit to this power. Everyone can experience the divinity within." Sai Baba. SS, 4/96. p. 93
"Rama was always deeply concerned about the welfare of his subjects. He fostered unity among the people. This is the duty of everyone at the individual level. Four qualities have to be developed by every individual: equality, integrity, unity and fraternity. The individual's personality blossoms when one has these four qualities. A family composed of individuals of this nature is an asset to the nation. It is not enough if people merely observe Rama's birthday and glorify the Ramayana on one day in a year. Each one should develop Rama's qualities within himself. You should develop the feeling that Rama is within you. You should experience Rama's divinity within yourself, irrespective of whatever name you may bear. From the Atmic point of view, you are Rama and Krishna." Sai Baba, SS, 4/96, pp. 95 & 96
"Rama is not the remote son of an emperor. He is the Eternal Spirit in one's heart. Live up to your conscience and you will please God. Every human being has to develop faith in Satya and Dharma and practise them in daily lives and lead worthy lives " Sai Baba, SS. 6/96. p. 146
"Hence, the Divine Rama Principle is not something to be remembered once a year, but every moment of our life." Sai Baba, SS, 5/90, p. 117