Significance Of The Rama Principle
"The Rama Principle is manifested in the Gayatri Mantra. Rama is the embodiment of three aspects of time. He is the Lord of the three worlds and is the embodiment of the three Gunas. Hence, Sri Rama is the indwelling spirit in every being." Sai Baba, SS, 5/90, p. 117
"Ramanavami falls in a period of the year when nature puts on her new vesture after shedding the old. Rama thus represents all that is beautiful in nature." Sai Baba, SS, 5/90. p. 117
Rama Symbolizes Idealism
"Rama is the supreme example of how people should conduct themselves in the world, how a country should be governed, how the integrity and morality of human beings should be protected. High-minded actions, ideal qualities and sacred thoughts are basic foundations of character. Rama is the very embodiment of these three attributes. This means that ever}' human being should cultivate sacred thoughts, right actions and good qualities. Rama demonstrated by his words, thoughts and actions how such a life can be lived. Rama acted upon the ancient injunction: 'Speak truth. Practise righteousness.' Eschewing harsh words, Rama pleased everyone by his sweet speech. He countered harsh speech by others with composure, patience, and sweetness and smile. He never pried into the affairs of others, never took notice of their faults, never indulged in ridicule, and never caused any pain to others by the way he spoke to them. It is essential for everyone to follow the example set by Rama and cultivate his many noble qualities and do righteous actions. People should entertain sacred thoughts." Sai Baba, SS, 5/95. pp. 114 & 115
"The Rama Principle is a combination of the Divine in the human and the human in the Divine. The inspiring story of Rama presents the triple ethical code relating to the individual, the family and the society. If society is to progress properly, the family should be happy, harmonious and united. For unity in the family, the individuals composing it must have a spirit of sacrifice. The Rama story exemplifies the ethical codes governing the individual, the family and the society. The Rama story holds forth many ideals". "Rama is the supreme example of one who observed in his life the triple Dharma relating to the individual, the family and the society. When every person in the country observes this triple Dharma, there will be peace and prosperity in the nation" Sai Baba, SS, 4/96, p. 91 & 92
The Divine And The Human
"Vaalmiki declared that he saw the Divine in the human form of Rama. Rama, who was Divinity itself, was seen as a human being. 'Maadhava (God) is human. Man is Maadhava.' God cannot be experienced unless He appears in human form. Incarnation as human being is essential for recognising God. That is why it is said that 'God appears in human form (Daivam Maanusha-Rupena). Rama did not announce anytime that he was God. He declared that he was the son ofDashratha. In his speech, though there was humanness, there was also illumination of Divinity. God is not apart from the universe. The entire cosmos is the very form of God. But man. deluded by his physical vesture, forgets his divinity. Rama and Krishna are regarded as Avatars. This is not so. They are, in their human form, quite like other ordinary men. All of you are embodiments of the Divine." Sai Baba. SS, 4/96. 93
Eligibility For Rama's Grace
"In Kali Yuga, there are many persons chanting Rama's name. But, chanting alone is not enough. Whatever name you recite, you must also be active in the service of that form associated with the name. What is implied by term 'Rama-Karya (service to Rama)? Rama is immanent in the entire cosmos. Rama is present everywhere. Hence, you have to love all, serve all. By rendering service to one's fellow beings, by offering help to the helpless and by performing sacred acts of dedicated service, one becomes eligible for Rama's grace." Sai Baba, SS, 5/99, last cover page.
Connection Between The Rama Principle And The Spring Season
"There is a significant connection between the Rama Principle and the season of spring (Vasanta Ritu). In the spring, trees put forth new leaves and flowers and fill the world with gladness. When the sun's rays fall on fresh leaves, they acquire golden hue. The whole world puts on a glorious new look in spring. The beginning of the New Year is celebrated in many regions by the preparation of special edibles from a mixture of flowers and fruits of the Neem and mango trees. In the spring season, the air is redolent with the fragrance of mango blossoms and the song of cuckoo (Kokila). There is joy in the air you breathe. The cuckoo's calls are never so sweet as in spring. The kokila's song is sweet to ears. If a crow sits on our roof, we wish to drive it away, but we welcome the kokila's song. Why is this difference? The crow's cawing jars on the ears. The kokiia's song is musical to the ears. When the speech is sweet, the speaker becomes endearing. Hence, men should leam to speak sweetly and pleasingly. Sweet speech confers peace. It is the means to self-realisation. It is in the heart of the man, who is sweet-spoken that Sri Rama loves to dwell." Sai Baba, SS, 5/89, p. 124
Meaning Of Rama Rajya
"Understand what is Rama Rajya. It is the reign of morality, truth and virtues. 'Rama Rajya' means that which engenders happiness (Ramayati). There should be no ill will towards anybody. No one should be harmed. That is Rama Rajya. When such feelings arise among the people, Rama Rajya will come into existence of its own accord." Sai baba. SS, 5/95. p. 119
Living Conditions During Rama Rajya
"In the reign of Rama (Rama Rajya) the two words. Satya (truth) and Dharma (righteousness) reverberated everywhere in the kingdom. Dharma prevailed everywhere. Young and old, men and women, scholars and illiterates, one and all, adhered to these two principles.
As is the ruler, so are the ministers- As are the ministers, so are the administrators. As are the administrators, so are the common people. The ministers strictly adhered to truth and righteousness. Lakshmana. Bharata and Shatrughana were assigned the duty of enforcing Rama's orders in all parts of the kingdom. They kept a close watch over what was happening in every nook and comer of the realm, how far the people were adhering to truth and righteousness and how they were getting on in daily life. For this purpose, a large body of officials was employed to go round the country. These messengers gathered all information everyday about the difficulties experienced by the people and their conduct This system prevailed as long as Rama reigned over the kingdom.
Rama performed a hundred horse sacrifices (Ashva-medha yaga) and many other sacrifices. Together with these sacrifices, Rama propagated among the people the qualities of truth and right conduct.
In Rama's reign, all married women were 'Sumangalis' (whose husbands were alive). Widowhood was unknown. It is natural for parents to die before their children. But is unnatural for children to die earlier than their parents. In Rama Rajya there was not a single case of premature death. Death of young people was not known. There were none suffering from disease. There was no sign of poverty. The rains came in the right seasons. The harvests were bountiful. There was no shortage of food. Unrest was unknown. All people were happy and peaceful." "Everyone in the Kingdom was grateful for any act of help and was eager to repay the act of kindness." Sai Baba, SS. 6/96. pp. 141 A 142
Establishment Of Rama Rajya In Today's World
"The state of things today is 100 percent contrary to the ideas and ideals of Rama. How, then, can Rama Rajya be established here? If you desire to establish Rama Rajya, there should be harmony in thought, word and deed. This applies not only to Bharat (India) but also to the entire world. All countries should have governments, which conform to the principle of triple purity. Only then, people also will reflect the character of the rulers. Today, people reflect the vices of the rulers. If a minister prefers one bottle, the man in the street asks for two (drinks). How can such citizens establish Rama Rajya? They can do so only if there is a complete transformation in their mental attitudes. Despite all the teachings they have listened to. their minds remain in the same state. Without a mental change, they are not entitled even to utter the name '"Rama". What, then, is the meaning of talking about Rama Rajya? It will be Rama Rajya in name, but in reality it will only be Ravana Rajya." Sai Baba, SS. 5/95, p. 118
Rama On Rulership
Rama taught Bharata how government should be carried on. "Have as your ministers only persons of character and virtue, who are tranquil in mind and devoted to truth. Don't have as ministers anyone lacking in these four qualities. Moreover, they should possess self-confidence, practise righteous conduct and be capable of giving proper advice. These are essential prerequisites for wise administrators. Give no place for selfish persons. There should be no room for persons animated by self-interest. Nor is that all. Don't allow anyone given to vices like gambling and drinking to wield authority. Entertain only those that command the esteem of the people and who are respected and loved by the people. You must have daily conferences with three or four such ministers. Your talks should be private and no outsider should know anything about them. It is only when such secrecy is observed that the nation will prosper. You will then be able to ensure peace and prosperity in the nation. Moreover, you must send out as envoys to other countries and ambassadors who are totally loyal to the king and not time-servers who practise duplicity. Only such people can convey to the king truthful information." Sai Baba, SS, 5/98. P. 117 &118